Application Software Services
CouthIT’s Application Software Group focuses on developing robust mobile apps, stand-alone desktop apps, and scalable responsive web-based applications. Mobile apps competency refers to our ability for developing apps using the iOS/Android SDK as well as cross-platform development environments. Scalable software competencies refers to our ability to architect, design, and develop complex software solutions for high-volume and data-intensive applications deployed either in private or public cloud. Responsive design competency refers to our ability to develop applications that provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices.

We have advanced-level competencies in the following areas:
- Domains: Customer Relationship Management, e-Commerce, Internet of Things (IOT), Healthcare, Data Mining, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems
- Programming Languages: Java, Objective-C, C#, C/C++, Python, PHP, JSP, Javascripts, and HTML/CSS
- Frameworks: Ajax and Spring
- IDE: XCode, Eclipse
- Servers: Tomcat Apache, Apache, MySQL, and Oracle 9i/10g
- Server OS: RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and Windows
- Cloud Deployment: AWS and Rackspace
- Security: HTTPS, Cryptography, Logging
- Scalability/Performance management: Load Balancing, DB Mirroring, JMeter, and Nagios
- SDLC: Agile, Waterfall, V-model, and Spiral
- Testing: Manual and Automated
- Version Control: SVN, GIT
- Automation Tools: Selenium, Jenkins
- Programming Interfaces: Rest API, Web Services
- Cloud Communication Platforms: Sendgrid Emails, Twilio SMS
IOT and Telephony applications are developed in collaboration with our Embedded Software Group. IOT competency refers to our ability to develop and deploy applications on a general purpose embedded systems such as the Raspberry Pi. IVR competency refers to our ability to develop touchtone and speech recognition based IVR applications.
Examples of some successful deliveries are as follows:
- SEE SOUND LIVE, an innovative Android App developed in collaboration with an ENT surgeon, helps deaf signers develop speech. Children normally learn to speak by hearing their own or other's voice. In hearing impaired children such an auditory feedback is missing. SEE SOUND LIVE on a smartphone presents a visual representation or feedback of sound signals allowing their visual cortex – the part of the brain that interprets visual signals – to interpret the sound. To our best knowledge, such an approach has never been tried before. Developing such an App required expertise in speech signal processing, speech recognition, Android development, and full-stack web development.

- A customer feedback application used by a call center in Atlanta, USA. The application was developed using Java™ technology and deployed in private cloud. It uses Apache Tomcat™ web server and MySQL™ as the relational database server. The front-end was written using JSP™/Java™. The web/database servers are deployed on CentOS™ Linux OS. Thousands of customer feedback records are created everyday either by the call center customer service executives or directly by customers via web/emails. The application facilitates the vendor management team to generate reports based on customer feedback in real time. The reports are efficiently compiled and are easy to analyze for quick action. Load balancing is used to distribute the traffic across multiple web servers. The MySQL™ database is mirrored across multiple servers for increased availability and efficient performance. The key technical challenge involved in this application was ensuring 24x7 up time, performance, robustness, and scalability.
- A consumer product that controls Internet access on all networked devices in the home network. The iOS/Android app was developed for a startup based in San Francisco, USA. The app communicates with the backend servers (Linux, Apache™, MySQL™, and PHP™) deployed on AWS using REST APIS to send commands and to receive the status of networked devices. This project also involved the implementation of an e-commerce website for customers to sign up for the subscription services.